Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Abortion; Pro-Life or Pro-Death

Abortion; Pro-Life or Pro-Death
            Would you kill a new born baby? Would you take the life of an innocent child? Should anyone have the right to murder if not in self-defense? In the US constitution, 14th Amendment section 1 it states “All persons born or naturalized in the United States…are citizens of the United States…nor shall any state deprive any person of life”. Many people argue that abortion is right under the 14th Amendment, but nowhere does it state that you can kill an unborn child because you’re young and can’t support that child.
            The case Roe vs. Wade made it possible for women to have safe legal abortions, which led to a decrease in pregnancy deaths. This came about in Texas, whose law was that the only way to have an abortion is if the mother’s life was in danger. Most other states had the same law. The Supreme Court ruled that the Americans’ right to privacy included the right of a woman to decide whether to terminate their pregnancy or not. That’s not constitutional, that is murder which the 14th Amendment addresses “nor shall any state deprive any person of life”. Just because the child isn’t born doesn’t mean he/she isn’t a person. The definition of a person is  A living, self-conscious being, as distinct from an animal or a thing; a moral agent; a human being; a man, woman, or child”(“Person”). When you have intercourse, you have made the choice to be at risk of having children. That risk was known the all along. So what right do you have in taking a person’s life born or not?
            After the case Roe vs. Wade, many restrictions on abortion began. Such as the Hyde Amendment which prohibits women from using Medicaid to pay for an abortion except for rape victims, incest, and women with physical conditions. In 1991 an amendment was made that stated doctors that are federally funded are prohibited to give information and/or referrals to abortion. Many other small restriction were put into effect, but none made a big difference until 2003, a federal ban on abortion was issued and made a law. The law was quickly over turned in 2004.
            Abortion is un-American, un-constitutional, and in-humane. Killing something so innocent and miraculous is just evil. Was it the baby’s fault you didn’t mean to get pregnant? No. Was it the baby’s fault that you’re a teenager and can’t support him/her? No. It’s never been the baby’s fault. He or she had nothing to do with it. He or she is just the miracle that will never see the sun shine, feel a soft blanket, laugh, smile, love, or live. Christians, that are for abortion, say that’s it’s a good thing because the baby will never live in this sinful world and go to Heaven. That is true, but in the Ten Commandments, 6) Thou shalt not kill. Abortion is killing so to Christians it should be wrong.
            The violent actions of pro-lifers in the past will end though. We will fight like Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. We will be peaceful and never give up. Martin Luther King Jr said “I have constantly preached the non-violent demands that the means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek” (181). We will let our voice be known. We will let congress hear our cries that murder is wrong born or not, citizen or not. We will stand proud for what we believe. Like John F. Kennedy when he said “Let every nation know…that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure survival and the success of liberty” (197).
            Many ask if you are pro-life or pro-choice. That’s not the scenario we are facing here though. That’s not what the real question should be, or is. That’s a sugar coat for those that choose pro-choice. The pro-life believers know what pro-choice means, we know what pro-choice means. We know is not a matter of pro-life or pro-choice. It’s really a matter of pro-life or pro-death!

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  1. Is my thesis clear/strong?
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Works Cited
"Constitution of the United States; Amendments 11-27." The Charters of Freedom. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. <http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution_amendments_11-27.html>.
Kinsella, Kate. Prentice Hall Literature. Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002. Print.
"Person." Webter-dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. <http://www.webster-dictionary.org/definition/person>.
"Ten Commandments Listed." God's Ten Laws. K-tizo Graphic Design, n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. <http://godstenlaws.com/ten-commandments/index.html>.
"U.S. Abortion Law." Abort73. Loxafamosity Ministries, Inc., 28 June 2012. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. <http://www.abort73.com/abortion_facts/us_abortion_law/>.

1 comment:

  1. Your thesis is clearly stated as well as being supported throughly through your entire paper! I enjoyed the passion and your brutal honesty. It was extremely interesting while at the same time having very good, strong points. I may not entirely agree with your opinion, but you have a very passionate, well-written arguement (:
